Thursday, December 17, 2009

Segar Camp 2009 Day 4 - Final Day

On the final day of the camp, the organizers and participants took the opportunity to thank the caterer, Mak Salimah. All of us really enjoyed her cooking and appreciate her efforts. I think we have gotten bigger tunnies with all her delicious, sumptious and mouth watering delicacies. Thank you and keep up the good work!
View Segar Camp 2009 in pictures

Summary of Events for Day 4

  1. Breakfast (Special home-made chocolate brownies)
  2. PC Data Backup & Restoration Tutorial
  3. Introduction to PC Internal Devices (Hands-on)
  4. Outdoor sports (Badminton & Soccer Competition)
  5. Lunch (Tom Yam Mee Hoon, Hot dog buns, Donuts, Blackforest cake, fruit punch)
  6. Afternoon Movie Scrrening (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
  7. Table Soccer
  8. Musical Exposure on Electronic Synthesizer keyboard
  9. Tea break (Ice-cream)
  10. Aprreciation moments for Participants, Organizers & Caterer
  11. Prize presentation
  12. Group photo & Camp Closure Cheer
  13. Sending off participants.

Leader: Md Adam

Asistant: Md 'Aliimul Hakiim

View Segar Camp 2009 pictures

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Summary of Events for Day 3

  1. Learn How to Prepare & Cook Fried Rice
  2. Laundry Management (Sorting, Washing & Hanging)
  3. Breakfast with Movie Screening "Destination Truth"
  4. Lunch with Afternoon Matinee "The Ghost Hunters Season 5"
  5. Nature Walk @ Hort Park
  6. Dinner
  7. Hide & Seek
  8. Night Movie Showtime "School of Rock"
  9. Sleep

Leader: Md Zaki

Assistant: Md Ismail

View Segar Camp 2009 pictures

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 2 - Cycling @ Pasir Ris

After lunch we headed for Pasir Ris Park for cycling. It was raining when we reached there.

Summary of Events for Day 2

  1. Video Montage Tutorial
  2. Sandwich Making Competiton
  3. Breakfast
  4. Outdoor Games, Sports
  5. Traditional games, "Belon Acha"
  6. Lunch
  7. Lunchtime Movie Screening "Batman Animated", "The Clone Wars"
  8. Cycling @Pasir Ris
  9. Participants Preparing Dinner
  10. Dinner
  11. Pasar Malam Shopping
  12. Paranormal Video Capturing How-To
  13. Night movie "Astro boy"
  14. Sleep

Leader: Md Adam

Assistant: Md Zaki

View Segar Camp 2009 pictures !

Summary of Events for Day 1

  1. Arrival of Participants
  2. Ice Breaking Session
  3. Welcome Brunch
  4. Briefing of Rules, Expectations & Sneak Peak of Events
  5. Game 1: Balance Water Balloons between Tummy
  6. Game 2: Legs-O-Water Balloons
  7. Game 3: Badminton Water Balloons
  8. Game 4: Semakin Jauh Semakin Sayang
  9. Game 5 Hantam Water Balloons
  10. Lunch
  11. Activity 1: Grocery Shopping (Unassisted), Participants will do planning for menu, budget, etc.
  12. Activity 2: Photo shots (for Video Montage) & Nature Park Exploration
  13. Shower
  14. Science Educational Videos
  15. Dinner
  16. Call-Your-Parents
  17. Activity 3:Repeat Pete Boardgame
  18. Activity 4: Combat!
  19. Movie Screening: Nacho Libre
  20. Sleep

Leader: Md Ismail
Assistant:Md Aliimul Hakim

View Segar Camp 2009 pictures !

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Segar Camp 2009 Participants

The participants arrived at 10.30 a.m.

Muhd Zaki

Muhd Aliimul Hakim

Md Adam Putra

Muhd Idris & Muhd Ismail

Absent with apology: Md Danial

View Segar Camp 2009 pictures!

Welcome to Segar Camp 2009 !

A big welcome to all participants to the Annual Segar Camp 2009! Firstly the organizers would like to thank the parents of the participants, without whom this camp will not be possible. This time, this camp promises more exciting games, programmes, DIY workshops, excursions and oh yes better food (thanks to our caterer Mdm Mak De of CCK), activities, cinema shows, and lots more!

So to all Parents, bookmark this blogsite so as to view your children photos and the activities. This blogsite will only be updated at 10pm to 11pm every night due to the organizers involvement in the activities.

View Segar Camp 2009 pictures!